Monday, April 26, 2010

Which Foods Cause Eczema? How

to Know What to Eliminate

Eczema is a common skin condition associated with a thick, itchy, scaly patches of skin or bumps that appears on the face, knees, hands, elbows, arms, or neck. The rash can also have painful blisters that ooze fluids, especially if scratched. With the painful rash that is associated with eczema, it's no wonder that those with this condition seek out and try to eliminate the causes of their flare ups.

Eczema sufferers may notice that certain foods and other substances may make their condition worse. Studies have shown that a number of patients with eczema also have food allergies. But which food cause eczema? Eczema is a common skin condition associated with a thick, itchy, scaly patches of skin or bumps that appears on the face, knees, hands, elbows, arms, or neck.

The rash can also have painful blisters that ooze fluids, especially if scratched. With the painful rash that is associated with eczema, it's no wonder that those with this condition seek out and try to eliminate the causes of their flare ups.Eczema sufferers may notice that certain foods and other substances may make their condition worse. Studies have shown that a number of patients with eczema also have food allergies. But which food cause eczema?

The Common Household

Eczema Causes

Before we can look at which food cause eczema, we must understand that there are several types of eczema. One common form is called atopic eczema. Doctors believe this form of the disease is hereditary it's believed that the red rash is due to an overactive immune system. This type generally effects young children and infants and is passed down through heredity.Another type is called contact dermatitis.

Some studies have shown that this is a relationship between food and contact eermatitis as certain foods can trigger a flare up. Not surprisingly, the majority of eczema sufferers also have food allergies.So which foods cause eczema? Some of the more common culprits include, dairy, wheat, acidic fruit, eggs, nuts, seafood, soy, food preservatives and even chemical food additives such as tartrazine, sodium benzoate, and sodium glutamate.

When trying to find the exact food that causes eczema, it is best to perform an allergy test or keep a diary. Completely eliminate the food believed to trigger a flare-up from your diet. After a few days, reintroduce the food. If no reaction is noted, then the food is safe to eat. If however a rash develops, avoid the food and try again in the future to confirm your results.

A doctor or dermatologist can also perform a skin test to check for allergies. In this test, skin is pricked with a needle containing an extract of the various foods. If a rash develops at the site, then it is said that the food should be avoided. The skin test may not be as reliable in eczema patients due to the nature of the rash and the irritation to the skin.

How to Cure Acidy Eczema Symptoms

While eliminating food culprits from your diet may help lessen the rash associated with contact dermatitis, it may not work for everyone. Patients that have avoided the common triggers have still had flare-ups. Since every person is different, any food could be the cause of a rash for that individual. Also, you may have not

reacted to a food in past, but that doesn't mean in future that your body can't tolerate it.Treatment options for contact dermatitis are geared towards treating the symptoms. Most doctors will prescribe corticosteroid creams and antihistamine lotions as well as recommend eliminating the foods listed above. Using flax seed oil and natural oils has been useful for some individuals as well as boosting up their immune system with supplements due to poor diets.

If the rash is severe, characterized by large blisters that ooze, then internal medications can be used. Many believe that natural remedies are a better alternative in the treatment of eczema. As always, discuss treatment options with your doctor.. This type generally effects young children and infants and is passed down through heredity.Another type is called contact dermatitis. This form is caused by substances found in the environment that irritate the skin.

Some studies have shown that this is a relationship between food and contact dermatitis as certain foods can trigger a flare up. Not surprisingly, the majority of eczema sufferers also have food allergies.Some of the more common culprits include, dairy, wheat, acidic fruit, eggs, nuts, seafood, soy, food preservatives and even chemical food additives such as tartrazine, sodium benzoate, and sodium glutamate.When trying to find the exact food that causes eczema, it is best to perform an allergy test or keep a diary.

Eczema Treatment to Cure Skin Disease

Completely eliminate the food believed to trigger a flare-up from your diet. After a few days, reintroduce the food. If no reaction is noted, then the food is safe to eat. If however a rash develops, avoid the food and try again in the future to confirm your results. A doctor or dermatologist can also perform a skin test to check for allergies. In this test, skin is pricked with a needle containing an extract of the various foods. If a rash develops at the site, then it is said that the food should be avoided. The skin test may not be as reliable in eczema patients due to the nature of the rash and the irritation to the skin.

While eliminating food culprits from your diet may help lessen the rash associated with contact dermatitis, it may not work for everyone. Also, you may have not reacted to a food in past, but that doesn't mean in future that your body can't tolerate it. Some people find that if they don't eat nuts or eggs they won't get a rash for example.Most doctors will prescribe corticosteroid creams and antihistamine lotions as well as recommend eliminating the foods listed above.

Using flax seed oil and natural oils has been useful for some individuals as well as boosting up their immune system with supplements due to poor diets. If the rash is severe, characterized by large blisters that ooze, then internal medications can be used. Many believe that natural remedies are a better alternative in the treatment of eczema. As always, discuss treatment options with your doctor. Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share


Digital Marketing Agency May 26, 2010 at 12:58 AM  

In some cases they have reason to be worried, but there are a few natural alternatives that do work, and may even give better results than
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ingredients to prepare an affective topical ointment at a fraction of the price of pharmacy bought creams.
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About This Blog

The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to an overactive response by the body's immune system to an irritant. It is this response that causes the symptoms of eczema. In addition, eczema is commonly found in families with a history of other allergies or asthma

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