Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Several Natural Treatments For Curing Your Eczema

By Hugh Farro

Another common ailment which affects people of all ages, eczema (better known as atopic dermatitis is an itchy inflammation of the skin, which can affect the arms, legs, elbows and hands-in fact, any part of the entire body. Eczema is a debilitating situation as it usually develops early on life and is carried forward into old age.

There are plenty of herbal treatments for eczema which you can locate online, with a single press of a button. Having said that, it is crucial to bear in mind that one must be careful when using several products on the skin, even when they are natural simply because they could, in combination, further irritate the skin.

A well known remedy is the cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil, both of which are good moisturizer and are resources of vitamins , that are perfect for reducing your eczema. You can also buy vitamin E oil, or perhaps you can just get gel capsules and break them open for the oil-though its crucial that you obtain natural vitamin E because synthetic oils will certainly do you more damage than good. Aloe Vera is also a great soothing agent and you can either get a gel to relieve the soreness or crush Aloe Vera leaves and use them onto the affected part. Teas of certain flowers and plants just like chamomile and calendula are also helpful for topical use , as they assist ease discomfort.

One other essential factor adding to eczema and inflammation is your diet regime; it is essential to drink lots of fluids (eight glasses of water daily are reasonable), boosting your omega 3 intake by consuming avocados, fresh salmon and eggs, as well as taking in other fresh and naturally cultivated fruits and vegetables. You ought to avoid an excess of unhealthy foods, artificial sweeteners, sugars as well as chemically sprayed vegetables and fruits as these can aggravate eczema.

Stress also the influences of eczema, so it's great to alleviate anxiety whenever possible-in other words, don't sweat it! Actually, eczema is triggered by perspiring too, so it is important to deal with that simply by taking regular showers and applying talcum powders (especially if you reside in the tropics). Finally, it's vital to exercise regularly, as part of a healthy living. Once you take these steps to create good changes in your way of life, you'll see that not just you'll better cope with eczema, you will be headed to an all-round healthy and problem-free life.

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The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to an overactive response by the body's immune system to an irritant. It is this response that causes the symptoms of eczema. In addition, eczema is commonly found in families with a history of other allergies or asthma

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