Thursday, October 17, 2013

What You Should Know About Eczema Natural Remedies

By Rebekah Alford

It is believed that eczema can run in families, but is not contagious. The symptoms usually develop from an area of skin that becomes extremely itchy, and then at some point a rash starts to show. The most common areas affected are the face, neck, hands and legs. Scratching causes the skins to break and open sores appear. Finding eczema natural remedies that work for you will help to control rather than cure your condition and will go some way to preventing further outbreaks.

Eczema is one of those medical conditions that is unlikely to be cured, but can be controlled. Sometimes it can be making a few life-style changes that helps to remove triggers and prevents further out-breaks. The triggers usually come into play when you have an allergic reaction to a substance you have been in contact with. Changing or removing completely your interaction with the substance, prevents an allergic reaction and breaks the chain.

Personal care and the products you use on your skin can act as triggers. Keeping your skin clean, dry and moisturized with fragrance and irritant free hypoallergenic products is recommended. Using a shower as opposed to a bath and ensuring that you dry and moisturize fully helps to keep your skin supply and free from itching. Products that are recommended as having hypoallergenic properties are widely available from local health and beauty stores.

It can be very difficult not to scratch when an area is extremely itchy. Breaks in the skin caused by scratching makes the area prone to infection, the more you scratch the more likely you are to cause an infection. Placing a cover over the area acts as a reminder not to scratch and helps protect broken skin patches from infection. Some people find they scratch while they are sleeping, and if they wear gloves in bed it helps to prevent damage to the skin area.

Individuals who are subject to excessive sweating can find they develop patches of eczema. Some exercises or activities may exacerbate sweating and should be avoided. Skin has to be dry, clean and moisturized avoid triggering out-breaks. That may mean monitoring your environment and in particular the temperature which can act as a trigger.

Avoid wearing tight fitting clothing that rubs against the skin, or materials that do not allow the skin to breathe. Check with your pharmacist or in the local health store to find out what over the counter natural products are available. Calamine lotion contains menthol and camphor oil which have calming properties to relieve itching and is safe to apply frequently as needed. Hydro-cortisone creams are also available for purchase over the counter.

Anyone suffering from skin problems and particularly eczema should ensure they only use natural products that are fragrance and irritant free. Public facilities and washrooms sometimes provide hypoallergenic soaps and moisturizing hand lotion for their users. If in doubt that the product is hypoallergenic, use plain water to wash your hands. You should always apply a suitable moisture lotions after washing and thoroughly drying your hands.

Many individuals discover that stress plays a role in their flare-ups. Avoiding stress and sticking to a healthy and nutritious diet can combine with a regular exercise regime to prevent flare-ups. Self-awareness of what trigger your conditions helps you to identify eczema natural remedies that will work best for you.

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The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to an overactive response by the body's immune system to an irritant. It is this response that causes the symptoms of eczema. In addition, eczema is commonly found in families with a history of other allergies or asthma

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